NCIBC’s Systems Biology Core and Light and Electron Microscopy Core facilities leverage existing core facilities established under prior COBRE support. The research cores, coupled with the interdisciplinary focus of the NCIBC, serve as a natural mixing chamber to foster the development of new collaborations among Nebraska’s biomedical researchers to pursue high impact biomedical research.
NCIBC’s innovation is in integrating the research activities of chemists, biochemists, engineers, and bioinformaticists. Its impact is in addressing critical knowledge gaps in the understanding of how cells communicate and integrate metabolic and regulatory pathways relevant to disease development and progression.

Systems Biology Core
The NCIBC Systems Biology Core (SBC) incorporates existing systems biology instrumentation, methodologies, and expertise at Nebraska – expertise from the Nebraska Center for Mass Spectrometry, the Chemistry Departmental Research Instrument Facility, the Molecular Analysis and Characterization Facility, and the Biotechnology Center Bioinformatics Core – under a single organizational structure. NCIBC researchers make extensive use of these facilities and receive the proper support and training in the systems biology techniques that best fit their research needs. The goal of the SBC facility is to provide a sustainable systems biology facility that meets the ‘omics’ and the associated data processing and analysis needs of NCIBC members, Nebraska faculty, and the larger scientific community.

Light and Electron Microscopy Core
The Light and Electron Microscopy Core (LEMC) provides NCIBC and others with state-of the art capabilities for light microscopy (i.e., confocal microscopy and fluorescence imaging) and traditional electron microscopy (i.e., TEM and SEM) and the capabilities of a state-of-the-art Glacios 200kV Electron microscope for Cryo-EM structure determination (i.e., Single-Particle Cryo-EM, Cryo-Electron Tomography of Thin specimens, and Micro-Crystal Electron Diffraction) of protein, nucleic acids, and other molecules of biological interest including small molecules in a crystalline state as well as sample screening and validation enroute to high-level structure determination at a national cryo-EM facility.
Learn More about Cryo-EM services
Learn More about Microscopy services