Systems Biology Core Data Analysis

DLSC Services

The Data and Life Sciences Core (DLSC) facility develops and supports the data management and analysis needs of faculty and students involved in biomolecular communication research. Researchers in the CIBC are embracing the challenges and promise of large-scale, high-throughput data, and the DLSC facility has been designed to serve as an integral partner in such research.

The DLSC provides these multiomics research partnerships

  1. expertise in data management, statistical analyses, data mining and machine learning, functional and predictive analyses, querying of existing databases, and computational modeling and
  2. education about the role of omics data in research and successful approaches to collaboration with faculty and staff in bioinformatics.

To access the DLSC portal go to:

A tutorial can be found here on how to use the portal.

miRNA chart

Computational Platform for Data Management

The DLSC facility’s computational platform consists of a web portal that enables data access, processing, and interpretation within the Center and also facilitates the sharing of research data with stakeholders and the general public. Significantly, the web portal facilitates interactions with the SBC facility by permitting CIBC members to upload data from microscopy, MS, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments for investigator access.

Process for Initiating Collaborations with DLSC Personnel

Submit a web request form for DLSC services; personal contact (in person and/or by email) between the DLSC and the requester to establish a common understanding of the needs, goal, and cost of the request; request prioritization; and expected timeline for completion.

eLab notebook ResearchSpace (RSpace) available for NU users

This Enterprise level eLab notebook system is available for immediate use to Lab groups of the Nebraska University community. User fees are $45 for the period up August 2024, and accounts can be requested (a cost object is required). The Data and Life Sciences core has piloted this with help of researchers at NU for three years. The system is installed on a HIPAA-compliant cloud and is managed by NU ITS.

NCIBC Systems Biology and Data and Life Sciences Core Facility Voucher Program

This voucher program is aimed at encouraging center members and new or infrequent users to employ NCIBC core facilities in their research. To learn more and apply, please visit  Core Facility Voucher Program


The DLSC facility has a high, positive impact on Center development by enabling affiliated researchers to address critical problems in biomolecular communication relevant to our basic understanding of human disease processes.

The outcomes of the CIBC’s DLSC facility include: 1) provides a computational pipeline for data storage and management that serves all CIBC investigators; 2) a rational, sustainable process for collaboration with DLSC personnel; and 3) educational opportunities for CIBC faculty and staff in omics data research, management, and analysis. In the long-term, the DLSC facility expects half of its operating expenses will be met through web portal access fees, data storage fees, and analytical service fees, which will contribute greatly to its sustainability.

NIH Policies and Information Regarding Data Management and Sharing

 Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing , released 29 October 2020, effective 25 January 2023.

 Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan, released 29 October 2020

 Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing, released 29 October 2020

 Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Selecting a Repository for Data Resulting from NIH-Supported Research, released 29 October 2020

 NIH Data Sharing Policies, as of 9 August 2019. “This table lists data sharing policies in effect at NIH. It includes policies at the NIH, IC, division, and program levels that apply to broad sets of investigators and data. Individual requests for applications (RFAs) and program announcements (PA) may specify other requirements or expectations for data sharing that apply to specific projects.”